"btw, have you eaten a beard's papa puff yet????"
JustJenn and her family is visiting relatives back in Hawaii right about now. Though I'm not jealous of the crazy heat and humidity she's experiencing at the moment, I am crazy jealous of the fact she's got access to Beard Papa cream Puffs. Sweet! If you haven't heard of them yet, here's an excerpt from an old blog I once wrote about my experience with them deeeelish cream puffs...
I just went to Japan in January of 2005 and on the way back to my brother's family's place I passed one of these stores (a counter really) in the train station. Actually...I SMELLED something...and it was so good that it made me follow my nose like a dog to a fresh meaty bone. It was crazy - I followed the scent around a corner and right into the back of a line, supposedly for whatever I was smelling. How convenient! I just had to get whatever this great smelling thing was and bring it back to my brother's family. When I got the front of the line, I discovered it was a line for these great big looking cream puffs, yay! I luuuuv desserts! I bought a 1/2 dozen with a separate single puff on a sheet of wax paper for me to eat enroute. OMG...it was soooooo good! It was torture to not tear into that box of 6 puffs on the way to my brother's. I was so excited to show the family my culinary discovery. When I had arrived back at the house with a box of these cream puffs, the family went crazy! They were like, "Oh! We LOVE these!" Luckily - the family is a family of 5 - so I got to eat another puff (not sure if I told them I already had one or not, hehe). Anyway...long story short, I ran into an article in the Honolulu Advertiser saying that these things will soon be available in Hawaii now! These things are sooo good, Mmmm! So keep an eye out for them in Hawaii...you gotta try some!
That sucks. Maybe when Christmas comes along they'll have something. Thanks for checking though.
Damn, when did you start a blog??? I just noticed it on Jenn's! Very cute!
Yeah, my friends were just talking about these cream puffs; they were so good, they kept the box!! Apparently, they're gonna open a couple in the L.A. area, but yeah, that Honolulu deal was just a one time thing. Bummers!
I just found out theyre opening a beard papa in hollywood, CA this month!! My first one was over in Japan at the shibuya train station. Delish!
It's open in Hawaii. I just got back and saw a couple of locations open. One was in Waikiki and the other was near Kailua. MMmmmmm good. My first try and I can't wait to have another!!
oh man...good information...keep it comin!
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