Thursday, September 01, 2005

Hurricane Katrina Relief Info

If some of you are watching the news about the hurricane and feel helpless - or have relatives or loved ones there and don't know what to do in this crisis, please see the following website. It is the Federal Emergency Management Agency. It has a lot of information for donors AND for victims. I have family in Lousianna but they have survived with not much damage...but there are so many others struggling. With so many links out there and groups accepting money - I thought I might send you a list of those who are "valid" and recognized by the federal government.

Two websites where I have donated were the Red Cross site and the America's Second Harvest site. The Red Cross site is experiencing high volume traffic and is slow. Please do be patient as it may take 3-5 minutes for your donation to be processed after you click "submit".

dislaimer: please feel no obligation to donate. sometimes your help and monies are needed elsewhere. I am just sharing information that I thought might be useful.


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