Monday, October 10, 2005

Wanna be a Superstar?!

Oh man...all you wanna be chefs-on-tv's your chance. JustJenn just told me about this...Food Networks' link to applying for the next Food Network Star. Yes, yes, this could be YOU...that is, if you meet their requirements. What average joe or joette has 30 original recipes? what recipe is really original these days with almost everything known to man is on the internet? *sigh* I don't have 30 original recipes...I'm not even sure I have one. But I looove to cook and I loooove to talk - especially about food that I like. Who am I? I am a replicator of food that I love. I am no original chef...though with a bit of time and experimentation in the kitchen, maybe I could be. "I have no formal training" THUS I don't have 30 original recipes. Geez. Anyway - maybe the more qualified chefs out there have a much better chance at this than I do. I am just a cook in training. Maybe Sue (the experimentor) - maybe Jenn (the creator) - maybe Guy (le 808 Chef! You gotta tell him about this Rokes! I think he'd be perfect!) But anyways, thanks for thinking of me Jenn but sadly, I don't think I qualify. =(


At 10:07 AM, Blogger Yum-e said...

Oh man - I couldn't do that Jenn - everyone would know I STOLE yours. Especially our close friends. hahahahahaha. I already passed your pretzel jello onto my momma and they LOOOVE it. thanks!

To Naka - thanks for stopping by! My bro lives in Oregon and I'm sure he'll appreciate all the restaarant info - not to mention me when I go visit so I'll have some place to eat! yay!


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