I love birthday dinners

I used to work with a great bunch of ladies at my old work place and I miss them very much...why? Because we used to eat at all the cool eateries down in San Pedro, CA for lunch every week. I've never met a bunch of ladies who enjoyed the taste of food so much. They're smart women too - they always take leftovers to go. Why? Well, because dessert is an absolute MUST and if you don't make it through to dessert, you're basically a loser because you didn't manage your stomach space well. Anyway - I am sooo excited because it's another birthday dinner this Saturday and this time they're not going to a restaurant but instead, sticking to a favorite tradition introduced by one of the ladies who hails from the south. We are going to enjoy our all time favorite Crab and Shrimp boil dinner! Ooooooh, my mouth waters just to think of it. Though the boil is done in true southern cajun spices style...the sauce is inspired by my Vietnamese girlfriend. If you like sour on your tastebuds, then you need to try this with your crab. Instead of butter (what?! no butter you say?!) take a lemon and squeeze it's juice into a little sauce container containing a whoooole lotta pepper and salt. surprisingly - it goes well...and I'm a bonafide butter lover. (Just ask Jenn). So, the next time you try crab - give this sauce a try. Whether it's vietnamese or just a lost tried and true crab dip tradition - it's worth a go...especially if you're trying to lower your fat intake.

I can't WAIT for Saturday...gee, is it my birthday or someone elses? haha.