Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Happy Birthday J!

Since I can't post to her blog from work, then I'll post my belated wishes here. :)

Happy Birthday J!

Friday, August 17, 2007

It's Lobster Fest time again...

Lobster Fest at the Port of Los Angeles

Lobster Festival in Redondo Beach

Totally wish I could go to this...

Joy of Sake

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Even Geeks have a love for culinary food...

A little excerpt from the World of hubby showed me that even geeks can be culinary...

Looking a little closer will show you something yummy! How I love them truffles! Now, if my hubby could cook me up some truffle delights in the real world - that would be faaabulous!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

"Deep Fry my deep fried and put some cheese on it please...."

My first visit to the Orange County Fair and what a deep fried experience that was!
The OC Fair
The SUN - it was hotThe Fair
Boy was it ever hot...and a little crowded but the heat tapered off later and we had a great time. I was really excited to try, for the first time, deep fried twinkies and oreos! There have been mixed reviews amongst my friends...though the one really bad review I won't really count since it was from a friend who was forced to eat 6 deep fried twinkies at his bachelor party as one of his humiliation tasks. I digress...though my emphasis before going to the fair was on the deep fried Oreo Cookie...the winner?...the deep fried Australian potatoes with cheese only on top. (no ranch, skip the ranch!) That was "THE BEST!". I'm so glad our friend B recommended it or I would seriously never had thought to try it. In addition to the fried stuff, there were some other things like the smoked Turkey legs! Ahhh - reminders of the Renaissance Faire (okay, go ahead and laugh...I only went once). Enough talking, here are those pictures I promised eons ago. But be warned...looking might prompt eating and eating 100% deep fried is not for the weak stomached! Enjoy!
Yeah - Turkey LegsYum-e Smoked Turkey Legs!
Smoked BBQ Turkey CloseupSmoked BBQ Turkey
More Turkey LegsYeah - right
Monkeys for my friend J.
Monkeys for Jenn
Fair staples:
JUMBO Corn Dogs
HUGE Funnel Cake DisplayYummy Funnel Cake
The Australian Deep Fried Potatoes! (below)
So Yummy with just Cheese on topDon't this look goodCheesy CloseupCross-section of Cheesy CloseupThis made me feel a whole lot better<--Well, then I gotta buy it now!
Gotta have drinks and we opted for the refillable:
Ergonomic Refillable Cup2007 07 July OC Fair-064
Our one ride at the fair:
2007 07 July OC Fair-065
The deep fried collection starts here!:
Deep Fried Snickers<--deep fried snickers.
The very elusive deep fried booth buried at the back of the fair:
Deep Fried EVERYTHINGDeep Fried Menu (Partial)Our Deep Fried Items
Deep Fried Twinkies on the left (one with strawberry topping and the other chocolate), deep fried Oreos at the top with chocolate topping and sprinkles, deep fried twinkie to the right (better eaten hot I think, we got it from another booth and by now it was a bit colder) and a Raspberry filled Krispy Kreme donut chicken your money and spend it on more deep fried Australian Potatoes...WITH CHEESE!