Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
How many calories does Garbanzo Beans have?

Inquiring minds want to know!
Find all the info on foods that you eat. This very cool site displays information based on several serving sizes too. Cooked beans, raw beans, you name it. Check it out - it'll either peak your interest or depress you to no end.
...by the way...the answer is 286 calories per cup of Garbanzo Beans. I better cut back. :(
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
leaves vs. bags
Now I don't know about you...but if I were to walk into a high class - over priced - Waikiki Hotel for tea, I'd be expecting some of the best tea around...wouldn't you? Freash Leaves, freshly baked scones or some kind of muffin thingee with either devonshire cream or at least a cream spread of somekind. Okay - maybe I expect too much...but wouldn't you at least expect more than your common house TEA BAG? That's what my girlfriend encountered when she went to a shower for a girlfriend of hers. She emails me asking, "...does that seem wierd to you?" OFCOURSE IT DOES! I'm not baggin' on tea bags in general...I use regular tea bags all the time. What I'm saying is that if you're going to charge like you're the Ritz...well, then you better make sure you can beat the service or at least match the tea of the local tea shop down the block.
What say you?
Happy "tekka maki sushi" Birthday!

Happy Birthday to my Dad - and what a birthday it was. My sister in law and my brother along with the rest of my family made a scrumptious sushi meal for my papa. And since I like torture, I had my mom send me pics so I could post to my blog - cuz pictures of sushi always looks so nice and yummy! (for all you raw fish lovers ofcourse)

And ofcourse, they had to stick in this picture of the tray with all the sushi...GONE. Cruel...just cruel. :P

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Memorial Day signifies the official start of the summer. To celebrate Restaurant.com is offering 60% off dining certificates for thousands of restaurants nationwide. That means you can purchase a $25 certificate for only $4!
To take advantage of these clearance savings, just click on the 60% link to the right, enter discount code 13356 at checkout and hit “recalculate total.”
Monday, May 08, 2006
"No appetizers please, we're saving room for dessert."
I had the privilege of dining with great food aficionados last night and what a night it was. We dined at the famous Ruth Chris Steakhouse. I've been there once before so I knew the drill - but some of the others hadn't. But soon they became familiar with the awesome smells of the buttery sizzling plates that would wander by to surrounding tables. This group of gals combines a plethera of personalities...yet, we all ordered the SAME THING! Usually at least one of us has a craving for something different and so we order a whole bunch of different things and proceed to "share" our portions. But this time the lure of the Filet Mignon was too irresistable - and no one wanted to share the butter on their plates. However...we were convined to share the sides and what a great decision that was - well, great until we all tried the Sweet Potato with Pecan Crust. Oh man - it took all our strength to not snag the whole thing! It was like dessert before entree! And for me that's like sin! Can't have dessert before the entree...but I made an exception this time. Oh - it was soooo good. Made me think there was rum in that Pecan crust...and my guess was that there was a whole stick of butter in the potatoes...but my cousin begged to differ (or was it denial?).
Most of us managed to make it through the entire Filet that we each ordered - some got lucky and had some for left overs. (Though I am always terrified that I'll mess up the filet by nuking it the next day) Foruntely - I had enough room for dessert which is ALWAYS the plan with these women. :) And that's why I LOVE them...amongst other things of course. :P We usually order "n-1" desserts and share...but we decided on a luscious 4. If you haven't already noticed, I eat out with a bunch of smart smart Engineers...all women. :) So yeah - with 4 desserts, we all dig in with our separate dessert plates and coffee. We lucked out this time having all the decaf women sitting on one side of the table and the regulars on the other. I don't think the servers have ever had it so easy! We sipped on coffee while sampling Chocolate Explosion (the typical lava cake - chocolate cake with soft melty center with ice cream), Yummy Bread pudding with Creme Anglaise sauce, Classic Creme Brule (the ladie's fave) and a very delicious Banana Creme (where the banana's were bruleed/Caramelized! I gotta try that at home!).
At the end of the night - after lots of talk about who's working where, who's travelling where and where we are eating next...we all said our goodbyes, but not before checking out my cousin's awesome new car!
Cars, Filet Mignon, Decadent dessert and awesome company...who could ask for more? (well, of course we could ask for more - but we won't...at least not tonight)
thanks much ladies for a great dinner :) Until summer...